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Національний мультипредметний тест (НМТ) у 2024 році заплановано провести протягом 14 травня — 19 липня. Такий період визначено наказом Міністерства освіти і науки України.

Окрім цього, зазначеним наказом затверджено перелік навчальних предметів, із яких відбудеться тестування. Також передбачено, що НМТ міститиме два блоки: основний, до якого увійдуть три обов’язкові навчальні предмети, і додатковий, що міститиме завдання з одного навчального предмета на вибір. Обов’язкові  — українська мова, математика та історія України, на вибір — українська література, іноземна мова (англійська, іспанська, німецька, французька), біологія, фізика, хімія та географія.

Для кожного учасника тестування проходитиме в один день у два етапи. Під час першого етапу, який триватиме 120 хвилин, потрібно буде виконати завдання з української мови та математики, а під час другого, теж тривалістю 120 хвилин, —  з історії України та навчального предмета на вибір, вказаного під час реєстрації для участі в НМТ. Між етапами буде 20-хвилинна перерва. 

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How properly prepare DPA?


 По-перше, не треба панікувати ні дорослим, ні дітям. _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ДПА - not an excuse for tantrums. Millions of people have already walked, and even more people will walk this way. Треба відзначити, що всі вони після цього живі і здорові. Проблема написання ДПА- чисто надумана проблема.

After all, this is the usual control work, only more solemn.

По-друге, не ставте собі та своїй дитині надзавдань, наприклад, здати_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_тільки на «12». Реалістично підійдіть до ситуації, адже можлива невдача може негативно позначитися на здоров'ї, не посилюйте_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_her.


Tips for parents 
Do not increase the child's anxiety on the eve of the test - this can negatively affect the test result. Parents' anxiety is always transmitted to the child, and if adults can handle their emotions at a critical moment, then the child can emotionally "break down" due to age characteristics. 

Reassure children, praise them for what they do well. 

Build their confidence because the more a child is afraid of failure, the more likely they are to make mistakes. 

Monitor the child's well-being. No one, except you, will be able to notice in time and prevent the deterioration of the child's condition due to overtiredness. 

Monitor the child's training regime, avoid overloading, explain to the child that he must alternate classes with rest. 

Provide a convenient place for classes, make sure that no one from the household interferes. 

Pay attention to the child's nutrition: during intense mental stress, nutritious and varied food and a balanced complex of vitamins are necessary. Such products as fish, cheese, nuts, dried apricots, etc. stimulate brain activity. 

Help the children distribute the preparation topics by day. 

Familiarize the child with the method of preparation for exams. It does not make sense to memorize all the factual material, it is enough to review the key points and catch the meaning and logic of the material. It is very useful to make short schematic extracts and tables, arranging the studied material according to the plan. If the child does not know how, show him how it is done in practice. Basic formulas and definitions can be written on pieces of paper and hung above the desk, above the bed, in the dining room, etc. 

Prepare different versions of test tasks on the subject (now there are many different collections of test tasks). Велике значення має тренування дитини саме з тестування, адже ця форма відрізняється від звичних їй  письмових робіт._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Some regularities of memorization

  1. 1. Memorization becomes more difficult disproportionately to the increase in volume. A long passage is more useful to study than a short sentence.

  2. 2. With the same amount of material, the one that is more understandable is better remembered.

  3. 3. Distributed learning is better than concentrated learning. It is better to study with breaks than in a row; little by little is better than all at once.

  4. 4. It is more effective to spend more time on repetition from memory than on simple repeated reading.

  5. 5. If you work with two materials, it is advisable to start with the larger one.

In advance, during training for test tasks, accustom the child to navigate time and be able to allocate it. Then the child will have the ability to concentrate throughout the entire test, which will give him peace and remove unnecessary anxiety. 

Якщо дитина не носить годинник, обов'язково дайте їй годинник на контрольну. 

On the eve of DPA provide the child with a full rest, she should rest and sleep properly. 

Advise children during writing DPA to pay attention to the following: 

· Run your eyes over the entire test to see what type of tasks it contains, it will help you get ready for work; 

Carefully read the question to the end and understand its content (a characteristic mistake during testing - without reading to the end, they already assume the answer from the first words and hurry to write it in); 

· If you do not know the answer to a question or are not sure, skip it and mark it to come back to it later; 

· If you could not answer the question within the allotted time, does it make sense to rely on your intuition and indicate the most likely option. 

And remember: the most important thing is to reduce the tension and anxiety of the child and provide suitable conditions for classes.


And finally: you are a person with your own fears, emotions, ambitions, with your own capabilities, character and skills. Take it with you to help, follow these simple rules and do not torment yourself with the question: "How to properly prepare for DPA?". Believe me, there is no unequivocal answer to it! The main thing is to believe in yourself, to nurture this faith in your child, and you will definitely succeed!

 Good luck!

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