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Rules of behavior of a student in an educational institution

General rules of conduct of education seekers

1. Discipline and order in the educational institution are maintained on the basis of respect for the human dignity  of students, teachers and other school employees.

2. The use of methods of psychological and physical violence against others is not allowed.

3. The rights and obligations of school students are determined  by the Statute of the educational institution, other local acts stipulated by the Statute.

4. Students must comply with the Charter of the educational institution, study diligently, treat property with care, respect the honor and dignity of other students and school employees, and observe internal procedures:

- adhere to the schedule of classes (lessons, electives), do not be late and do not miss classes without valid reasons;

- to keep the school and school yard clean;

- protect the school building, equipment, property;

- treat the results of other people's work with care and provide assistance in cleaning the school premises while on duty at the school;

- maintain order and cleanliness in school premises: canteens, changing rooms, toilets, etc.;

- pay due attention to your health and the health of others;

- participate in collective creative activities of the class and school;

- come to the Soviet institution well in advance of the start of classes, clean and tidy, remove outerwear from the wardrobe, occupy your workplace and prepare all the necessary educational materials for the lesson according to the schedule.

5. It is not  allowed to bring weapons, explosives, flammable substances, alcoholic beverages, other intoxicants and poisons to the school territory for any purpose and use in any way.

6. It is not allowed to leave the territory of the school during school hours without the permission of the teachers or the nurse.

7. You can leave the school only by presenting a note from the teacher or medical worker to the person on duty.

8. In case of missing classes for up to three days, the student must present  a certificate or a note  to the class teacher about the reasons for absence from classes. In case of missing classes for more than three days, the student must provide a certificate from a medical institution.

9. A school student must show respect for the elders, take care of the younger ones. Schoolchildren give way to adults, older to younger, boys to girls.

10. Outside the school, students behave everywhere and everywhere in such a way as not to embarrass their honor and dignity.

11. Students take care of property, treat both their own and other people's property with care, observe cleanliness and order on the school grounds. In the event that a student causes intentional damage to school property, his parents (persons who replace them) shall compensate for the damage.

12. In all cases, students should treat other people's property with respect. Books, clothes and other personal belongings on the school premises belong to their owners.

13. Pupils who found lost or forgotten (in their opinion) things are invited to hand over what they found to the person on duty, who in turn posts an announcement about lost things.

14. Disciplinary sanctions will be applied to students who have appropriated other people's personal belongings. Physical confrontation, intimidation, and bullying are unacceptable forms of behavior.

15. It is not allowed to chew gum, eat or drink, use a mobile phone (play, talk, turn on the ringer) and headphones during the lessons.

16. The student is obliged to do homework.

17. At the first request of the teacher, the diary should be provided.

18. Every day  write homework in the diary.

19. Bring to class all the necessary textbooks, notebooks, manuals, tools, stationery.

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5. Не  дозволяється приносити на територію школи з будь-якою метою й використовувати в будь-який спосіб зброю, вибухові, вогненебезпечні речовини, алкогольні напої, інші одурманюючі засоби й отрути.

6. Не можна без дозволу педагогів або медичної сестри залишати територію школи в урочний час.

7. Вийти зі школи можна, лише пред’явивши записку від учителя чи медичного працівника черговому.

8. У разі пропуску занять до трьох днів учень повинен пред’явити  класному керівнику довідку або записку  від батьків ( осіб, які їх замінюють) про причини відсутності на заняттях. У разі пропуску занять більше трьох днів учень зобов’язаний надати довідку з медичної установи.

9. Учень школи повинен проявляти повагу до старших, піклуватися про молодших. Школярі поступаються дорогою дорослим, старші – молодшим, хлопчики – дівчаткам.

10. Поза школою учні поводяться скрізь і всюди так, щоб не осоромити свою честь і гідність.

11. Здобувачі освіти бережуть майно, акуратно ставляться як до свого, так і до чужого майна, дотримуються чистоти й порядку на території школи. У разі заподіяння здобувачем освіти умисного пошкодження майна школи його батьки ( особи, які їх замінюють) відшкодовують нанесену шкоду.

12. Учням у всіх випадках слід з повагою ставитись  до чужої власності. Книги, одяг та інші особисті речі, що знаходяться на території школи, належать їх власникам.

13. Учням, які знайшли втрачені або забуті ( на їхню думку) речі, пропонується передати знайдене черговому, який у свою чергу розміщує оголошення про загублені речі.

14. До учнів, які привласнили чужі особисті речі, будуть застосовані дисциплінарні стягнення. Фізична конфронтація, залякування й знущання є неприпустимими формами поведінки.  Заклад освіти категорично  засуджує подібні спроби приниження, підпорядкування або маніпулювання людьми.

15. На уроках не дозволяється жувати жувальну гумку, вживати їжу чи напої, користуватися мобільним телефоном (грати, розмовляти, включати звук дзвінка) та навушниками.

16. Учень зобов’язаний виконувати домашні завдання.

17. На першу вимогу вчителя слід надавати щоденник.

18. Щодня  записувати домашнє завдання до щоденника.

19. Приносити на заняття всі необхідні підручники, зошити, посібники, інструменти, письмове приладдя.

Behavior in classes

1.Don't be late for class.When the teacher  enters the classroom, the students stand up to greet the teacher.

2.Each teacher determines the rules of behavior of studentsin their classes; these rules should not degrade the student's dignity and should not conflict with the school Charter.

3. During the lessonyou can't shout, distract yourselfand to distract classmates from classes with extraneous conversations, games and other actions not related to the lesson.

4. If the student needs to leave the class during classes, he mustask the teacher's permission.

5. If the student wants to ask the teacher a question or answer his question,he raises his hand.

6. During the lessonthe student has the right to ask questions to the teacher, if I did not understand the material during the explanation.

7.The student has the right to defend his point of viewand their beliefs during the discussion of various controversial and ambiguous issues, observing the correct form.

8. In lessons, students have the rightuse school supplies, treat it carefully and carefully. Return it to the teacher after the lesson.

9.Students should not talk about extraneous topics in class, because they thereby violate the rights of others to obtain the necessary knowledge.

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Rules of conduct of education seekers
before the start, during breaks and after the end

1. During the break, the student must:

- clean and tidy your workplace;

- at the request of the teacher to leave the class;

- to fulfill the requirements of the teacher on duty.

2. Break time is the personal time of each student. He can conduct it at his discretion, but not to disturb others.

3. During the break, students can freely move around the school, except for those places where they are prohibited for security reasons (attic, basement, kitchen, physical and chemical laboratory).

4. The shift class helps teachers who are on shift to monitor discipline during the break.

5. During breaks, students can turn to their class teacher, teacher on duty or administrator for help if illegal actions are being taken against them.

Students are prohibited from:

1. During breaks, run up the stairs, near window openings and in other places not suitable for games.

2. Pushing each other, throwing objects and using physical force.

3. Use obscene expressions and gestures, make noise, disturb the rest of others.

4. To leave the school without the permission of the class teacher or the administrator on duty.

5. To smoke.

6. Arbitrarily open windows, sit on the windowsill.

7. Bring weapons (including knives), explosives, flammable substances, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, drugs and other intoxicants.

8. Being late  for classes.

9. Intimidation, bullying, humiliation, discrimination based on nationality or race against all participants in the educational process.

Duties of the next class

1. School rotation is carried out with the help of students of grades 8-11(12).

2. The next person wears a badge.

3. The duty schedule at the school is established by the deputy director for educational work together with class teachers of grades 8-11(12).

4. Pupils of the next class together with the class teacher come to school at 7:30 a.m. and go home after the last lesson at the educational institution.

5. Those on duty in the dining room are on duty until 3 p.m.

6. Pupils on duty help junior schoolchildren  to change clothes, at their posts  they monitor discipline and order during breaks, remarks to violators are made in a tactful manner (in case of misunderstanding, contact teacher on duty, class teacher for help).

7. Provide necessary assistance in organizing the educational process to teachers and school administration.

8. During the entire shift of the class, a "Shift Log" is kept, in which comments, wishes, etc. are recorded (surnames of those who are late, absent or violate discipline, etc.).

Rules of behavior in the dining room

1. When eating in the dining hall, students should follow the rules of etiquette.

2. Pupils must treat canteen workers with respect.

3. Do not talk.

4. Students must  clean up the dishes after eating, put the chairs in place. Pupils treat the property of the school canteen with care.

5. It is forbidden to come to the dining room in outer clothing.

6. Pupils on duty in the dining room help the staff set the tables, clean the dishes, wipe the tables, and put the chairs in place.

Rules for using the library

1. Wrap the textbooks with a special cover.

2. Do not fold textbook pages, use a bookmark.

3. Do not put a pen or pencil in the textbook: this will spoil the book.

4. Do not write or draw in textbooks: this is public property.

5. Do not take the textbook with dirty hands and do not read it while eating.

6. Place the textbook only on a clean table or desk.

7. За втрачену або зіпсовану книгу принести заміну або відшкодувати згідно з чинним        _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_law.           _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

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